Sheila’s Story

Shelia was diagnosed with colon cancer shortly after her 60th birthday. Through her Minnesota Oncology care provider, she learned about Hope in Motion. Although Sheila had participated in 5K charity events before to support her godchild who battled pediatric cancer, it was not until her own diagnosis that she decided to complete the 5K run at Hope in Motion.

Sheila at Hope in Motion Arch.jpg

"I am not a runner, but I did succeed in running the 5K [at Hope in Motion] and use it to symbolize the cancer fight. The fight is tough, but there is no stopping. We don’t have a choice, so we fight through. What an accomplishment to fight and beat cancer, and what a fight to run a 5K."

Sheila shared this about her experience at Minnesota Oncology and the people working there:

"Minnesota Oncology is there for the cancer patient from the beginning of diagnosis and sticks with you for years to come. I am very thankful for the Minnesota Oncology employees who volunteer at the Hope in Motion event. It shows me they truly do care."

During her cancer journey, Sheila was also a recipient of Angel Foundation'sTM Emergency Financial Assistance program. The program, which provided over $1.116M in basic need grants in 2023, provides basic, non-medical needs like rent, gas, utilities, car expenses, and food. Sheila was among the 54% of recipients who requested food-related assistance.

"I received my Cub gift cards and gas gift cards shortly after my cancer treatment started. It was a phenomenal morale booster to know that I wasn’t fighting alone and that strangers were in my corner donating to the Angel Foundation to help me out."




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