Minnesota Oncology Nurse Awarded 2017 Mpls. St. Paul Outstanding Nurse Award in Cancer Care


Minnesota Oncology is proud to announce that nurse Monica Cook was named an “outstanding nurse” at the 2017 Mpls.St.Paul Magazine’s Outstanding Nurse Award ceremony on Tuesday, Aug. 8 at the Edina Country Club.

Monica is a nurse at the Saint Paul Cancer Center and was awarded for her work in cancer care.

Also recognized for their outstanding care were Minnesota Oncology nurses Deb Daniel (Waconia Clinic), Brenda Korth (Saint Paul Cancer Center), Stephanie Mehrkens (Minneapolis Clinic), and Beth Schmidt (Edina Clinic).

{image_2} These nominees were chosen by four expert nurse judges from a large number of nurses who were nominated by colleagues and supervisors and by patients and families of patients.

According to Mpls. St. Paul Magazine: “Nominations were assessed on a seven-point rubric that included: professionalism, bedside manner, patient interaction, credentials and experience, impact on an organization, leadership, and an "it" factor exemplifying kindness, compassion, and empathy. Additional weight was given to those who received multiple nominations from a variety of sources, and to those nominated by their patients or their patients’ families.”

We are thankful to have such an amazing team of nurses at Minnesota Oncology who are recognized for their outstanding dedication and hard work.

Congratulations to our 2017 Outstanding Nurse Award Winner from Minnesota Oncology!

Monica Cook, RN (Saint Paul Cancer Center) – Cancer Care

More about Monica and other nurses will be featured in the December issue of the Mpls.St.Paul Magazine. To see a full list of award-winners, check out the Mpls.St.Paul Magazine.




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