Local Support & Education

Find the Help You Need

Sometimes, receiving cancer treatment can be complicated by practical issues. At Minnesota Oncology we are committed to supporting you every step of the way.

We have partnered with findhelp, America’s leading social care network, to connect you with resources, including financial assistance, transportation to your appointments, food pantries, childcare, counseling services, and more.

Search on your own at usoncology.findhelp.com to find help in your community.

Or let us help you find the assistance you need. Contact us at (844) 317-4673 and ask to speak with one of our social workers.


Local Support Groups

Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer Support Group – in person or virtual via Zoom

  • When: 3rd Thursday of the Month
  • Time: 6-7pm
  • Contact: LeeAnn Knight at ltveit@umn.edu or Casey Pratt at cpratt@umn.edu or 612.626.0697.
  • An invite to the meetings will be sent out on the Monday and day prior to the meeting.

Blood Cancer

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Peer-to-Peer First Connection Program

The First connection Program is a free service of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society that matched patients and their loved ones with trained peer volunteers who have shared similar experiences. Patients are matched with peer volunteers based on diagnosis, age, gender, and other factors that might create a mutual understanding and ease of communication. Volunteers are trained in basic counseling skills, are regularly updated about LLS and the community resources, and are committed to confidentiality. If you wish to connect to a peer volunteer, please fill out the online request form and they will contact you by phone to make a connection.


Multiple Myeloma Support Group

Twin Cities Multiple Myeloma Education and Networking Group, we welcome you to share your experience in a volunteer led support group with myeloma patients, caregivers, family and friends. Join us to meet and interact with others to learn the latest advances in treatment and management of myeloma.

  • When: 2nd Saturday of the Month
  • Time: 10am-12pm
  • Group is currently meeting monthly online via Zoom, contact Viki or
    Kevin at myelomam@gmail.com to get the link.

Twin Cities All Blood Cancers Group 
Hybrid- Gilda’s Club Twin Cities

This support group for cancer patients will address specific issues related to a blood cancer diagnosis and will provide an opportunity for patients to discuss concerns, anxieties, and feelings related to illness, treatment and other related issues. The meetings are designed to provide mutual support and education to members by meeting with others whose situations are similar to their own. They are a resource to support coping in conjunction with your medical treatment.

Michelle Johnson, LSW, ACM, Minnesota Oncology/Licensed Social Worker
Kim Odden, LSW, Minnesota Oncology/Licensed Social Worker

  • When: 2nd Thursday of the Month
  • Time: 4-5pm (CT)
  • Contact: Christina at Christina.Nielsen@LLS.org or 612 259-4522
  • Pre-registration for this free program is preferred. This group will take place in person and also allow for remote participation through zoom.

Bone Marrow Transplant 

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Support Group

The BMT program staff recognizes that patients and family members need support in different ways, at different times throughout the transplant process. In an effort to meet patients’ and family member’s needs, the BMT social workers offer a group that focuses on providing support and education related to BMT. You will have the opportunity to talk with other people who may be experiencing similar types of issues and concerns. BMT physicians and other health care professionals speak at the group on a regular basis.


  • When: 1st Tuesday of the Month
  • Time: 10-11am

In person:

  • When: 3rd Tuesday of the Month
  • Time: 6-7pm
  • Where: Hope Lodge.
  • Contact: please call the BMT program at 612.273.2800 Option 1 to speak with one of the BMT social workers if you would like more information.

Brain Tumor

Brain Tumor Support Group – Meet via Zoom

  • When: 2nd Wednesday of the Month
  • Time: 6:30-8pm
  • Contact: Denise Shannon at 651.254.9267 for more information or to get on our mailing list.
    This group is for patients and their loved ones.

M Health Fairview Brain Tumor Support Group

Our brain tumor support group promotes education and provides emotional and social support to patients, families and caregivers affected by primary brain and central nervous system cancer. It is a safe place to share experiences, ask questions, and support one another. Quarterly, in lieu of the support group, we will host education sessions led by M Health Fairview Providers covering a variety of topics. Attendees are welcome to come together or independently.

Breast Cancer

Together in Transition Metastatic Breast Cancer – meeting virtually

Allina Health Cancer Institute Minneapolis and St. Paul – Metastatic Breast Cancer

  • When: 2nd Tuesday of the Month
  • Time: 1:00-2:30pm
  • Location: Hope Lodge
  • Contact: Sarah Johnson 612.863.1704

Allina Health Cancer Institute St. Paul- Breast Cancer

  • When: 1st Tuesday of the Month
  • Time: 4-5:30pm
  • Location: in person or virtual
  • Contact: Ali Cain at Alicia.cain@allina.com or 651.241.6408

Allina Health Cancer Institute Coon Rapids- Breast Cancer

  • When: 3rd Monday (unless holiday)
  • Time: 5-6:30pm (Virtual Only)
  • Contact: Kristen Eckman at kristen.eckman@allina.com to register
  • Please include your name, email address and phone number

Virginia Piper Cancer Institute- Metastatic Breast Cancer – meets virtually 

  • When: 1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month
  • Time: 10:30am-12pm
  • Contact: Beth Johnson at  Beth.Johnson@allina.com or 763.236.6061 if you would like to join the virtual group. Please include your name, email address, home address, and phone number.

American Cancer Society – Reach to Recovery

The American Cancer Society Reach to Recovery program connects people facing breast cancer – from diagnosis through survivorship. With trained volunteers who are breast cancer survivors. Through their website and app, you can create an online profile and match with a volunteer who as experienced a similar type of breast cancer, stage, and treatment.

Volunteers do not provide medical advice. This is a free program. Patients can enroll in the program at https://reach.cancer.org/

The Firefly Sisterhood

The Firefly Sisterhood provides one-on-one social and emotional support to women who have been impacted by a breast cancer diagnosis. We are founded and based in the Twin Cities, MN while most of our matches within the Twin Cities, Greater MN and Western Wisconsin. We can support women from coast to coast.

The Firefly Sisterhood support services are free and delivered at the time of diagnosis, during treatment and into survivorship.

Visit https://www.fireflysisterhood.org/getsupport/

 Fairview Ridges Breast Cancer Support Group – Meeting via Microsoft Teams

  • When: 3rd Thursday of the Month
  • Time: 5:15-6:15pm
  • Contact: Darla Churness at schunel@fairview.org to register and receive a link to the group.

Head/Neck, Gastric, and Esophageal Cancer

Coping with Change- Allina Health Cancer Institute Minneapolis (virtual or in person)

Lung Cancer:

A Breath Of Hope (ABOH) Cancer Support Group- offered in person and virtually
All survivors no matter where you are on your journey, along with friends and family are invited to join us.  Bring your questions and concerns to a group of lung cancer survivors who will understand.  Guest speakers focused on your needs will join us at some gatherings.

We are all in this together to support each other through the ups and downs that are part of this journey.

  • When:  1st Tuesday of the month, meeting every other month starting February 2025

Meeting dates for 2025:

  • 2/4/25
  • 4/1/25
  • 6/3/25
  • 8/15/25
  • 10/7/25
  • 12/2/25

We will offer the group virtually (via teams) and in person.

  • Time:  4-5:30pm
  • Where:  Minnesota Oncology- Edina Conference Room, Southdale Medical Building: 6545 France Ave South, Suite 210, Edina, MN 55435
  • Contact: Email Lisa Thelemann at lisa.theleman@usoncology.com  to register.

A Breath of Hope (ABOH) Regions/HealthPartners

Additional A Breath of Hope Support Group Meetings

Lung Cancer Support Group- North Memorial Hospital- meeting via Zoom

  • When: 4th Tuesday of the Month (excluding April)
  • Time: 6-7pm
  • Contact: Shirley Kern at 763.581.8446 for link to the group.  

Ovarian and GYN Cancers:

Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (MOCA)

MOCA organizes support groups to meet the needs of those impacted by ovarian cancer. All support programs are free, and new members are always welcomed.

MOCA Connections- Night

We invite women diagnosed with ovarian cancer and their loved ones to join us to connect with each other, share information and gain support.

MOCA Connections- Day

Survivors, loved ones and caregivers are invited to join MOCA Connections Day Program.

Care in the Community

MOCA offers extra level support with our Care in the Community virtual offering.

Young Survivor Network (YSN)

The members of this group are women with a gynecological cancer diagnosis who range in age from teens to early 40’s. They deal with issues unique to them such as early menopause, loss of fertility, dating after diagnosis and body image. The YSN has a network of mentors to provide phone support and private Facebook Group.

MOCA Mentor Program

MOCA Mentos connect one-on-one over the phone to share their stories and experiences with others. Mentors include survivors, partners of survivors, caregivers, and daughters of ovarian cancer survivors. You will receive a phone call within 3 business days of your request.

Men of MOCA

Ovarian Cancer doesn’t just impact women; partners, husbands, brothers, sons, friends, and more are affected when a women is diagnoses with ovarian cancer. MOCA provides peer-to-peer support for men through the Men of MOCA group and Mentor Program.

Pancreatic Cancer:

Pancreatic Cancer Support Group- meeting virtually or in person

  • When: 3rd Tuesday of the Month
  • Time: 4:00-5:30pm
  • Where: Hope Lodge
  • Contact: jill.may@allina.com or 612.863.7387 if you would like to join the group. Please include your name, email address and phone number.

Prostate Cancer

Allina Health Cancer Institute- Coon Rapids: virtually

  • When: 4th Tuesday of the Month (Except December)
  • Time: 5:00-6:30pm
  • Contact: Beth Johnson at Beth.Johnson@allina.com or 763.236.6061

University of Minnesota Prostate Cancer Support group- meeting virtually

The University of Minnesota Prostate Cancer Support groups provides education, support and advocacy to both patients and their caregivers when facing a diagnosis of prostate cancer. We attempt to create a safe, trusting, and nurturing place for patients and their loved ones to share their own experiences and learn from others.

  • When: 2nd Thursday of the Month
  • Time: 7:00pm
  • Where: Via Zoom, please contact LeeAnn Knight to obtain meeting link
  • Contact: LeeAnn Knight by email at ltveit@umn.edu, by phone 612.626.0697 or Casey Pratt by email at cpratt@umn.edu

Testicular Cancer 

Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation Support Group

Provides a safe online connection where cancer patients, survivors and caregivers can find others with similar experiences. Many people diagnosed with cancer find it helpful to be part of a cancer support group. This is a place where you can talk about and work through the feelings and challenges you experience with other people who have gone through similar experiences. Support groups give people diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers a chance to learn from and support each other.


General Cancer and or/Caregiver Support Groups:

General Cancer Support Group – Meeting Virtual

Come join this holistic support group that addresses body, mind and spirit through personal sharing, prayer, stories, poems, gentle movement (qigong), music, and guided meditation to help you through this trying part of life’s journey.

Prince of Peace Caregiver Support Group (partnership with DARTS)

  • When: 3rd and 4th Wednesday of the Month
  • Time: 1:00-2:00pm
  • Where: Room 200A at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 13801 Fairview Dr, Burnsville, MN 55337
  • Contact: Vicki Patterson at 651.234.2255 for more information.

Men’s General Cancer Support Group

  • When: 1st Monday of the Month- if meeting falls on a holiday the group will is held the following Monday.
  • Time: 7:00-8:00pm
  • Where: Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 7401 County Road 101, Maple Grove, MN 55311
  • Contact: Michelle Tomilinson at 763.420.5015 ext. 118

Allina Health Cancer Institute- New Ulm:

  • When: 2nd Tuesday of the Month
  • Time: 2:30-3:30pm
  • Where: New Ulm Medical Center: 1324 5th St. N, New Ulm, MN 56073
  • Contact: Megan Oswald 507.217.5130

Women’s General Cancer Support Group- meeting virtually

  • When: 1st Monday of the Month
  • Time: 7pm-8pm
  • Contact: Michelle Tomlinson at michellet@lordoflife.org or 763.420.5015, ext. 118

Finding Your Way Through Cancer Treatment- Meeting in person and virtually.

Gilda’s Club of the Twin Cities Support Groups and Classes

Classes and group meetings are in person and virtually.

  • Where: 10560 Wayzata Boulevard Minnetonka, MN 55305
  • Phone: 612.227.2147
  • Contact Gilda’s club to complete intake and determine available spots in group at https://gildasclubmn.org/

4th Angel Caregiver Mentor Program

The 4th Angel Mentoring Program offers free, one-on-one, confidential outreach and support from someone who has successfully made the same journey you are about to begin- the journey towards recovery. This specially trained volunteer and cancer survivor-your 4th Angel- is someone who will talk and listen in a supportive setting. The 4th Angel Mentoring Program is telephone based, so you can be connected with an Angel anywhere in the country.

Imerman’s Angels

Imerman’s Angels partners individuals seeking cancer support with a “Mentor Angel.” These one-on-one relationships inspire hope and offer the chance to ask personal questions and receive support from someone who is uniquely familiar with the experience. Mentor Angels can lend support and empathy while helping cancer fighter and caregivers navigate the system, determine their options and create their own support systems. Support is also provided to those who have lost someone to cancer and is looking to speak to someone who has also lost someone to cancer.

Jack’s Caregiver Coalition

A support group/program specifically for male caregivers, offering one-on-one support as well as respite events.

Jack’s Caregiver Klatch

A coed caregiver support program, limited space RSVP, Food and Drink provided.

  • When: 1st Thursday of the Month
  • Time: 6:00-7:30pm
  • Where: Common Roots Café. 2558 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55405
  • Contact: contactus@jackscaregiverco.org

Jack’s Thirsty Thursday

A virtual Happy Hour- a “Jacks Only” event for guys, 18 and older, who are caring for or who have cared for a loved one facing a health crisis.

Jack’s Sequel Makers

Coed Sequel Makers is our programming to support those who have transitioned from “active caregiver
 to “actively grieving”.

When: 3rd Wednesday of the Month for a coed discussion group focused on learning, sharing, and exploring how we think, feel and act as we navigate our grief.

Angel Foundation- Making Memories

The Making Memories provides opportunity to spend quality time together when a caregiver is impacted by cancer.

M Health Fairview Caregiver Support Group

We recognize that family members, friends and caregivers of our patients need support throughout the cancer journey. This group is an opportunity to share experiences, connect with others and take time for yourself.

  • When : 2nd Tuesday of the Month
  • Time: 11am-12pm
  • Contact: Jessie Palacio at Jessica.Palacio@fairview.org or by phone 651-683-7027 to receive the Microsoft Teams link to join the meeting.